Tuesday, November 16, 2010

crazy busy

This week began crazy and has stayed crazy.

Monday was thrown all to heck with a mandatory barracks inspection that took all morning. This really threw off my routine.

Today, was full of random tasks that apparently had to be done right away. Typical Marine Corps.

Tomorrow and the rest of the week is full of random training like gas chambers and other annual classes.

In the middle of all this is a bunch of college work that I Haven't even begun to tackle yet.

In other words, my usual routine is completely jacked up this week and I really don't like it.

Luckily God has helped me stay focus through it all which has essentially kept me sane.

Well thanks for reading my rant. Later
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Saturday, November 13, 2010


So I have some pretty big decisions to make in the next couple of months.

First decision, what college to attend next summer when I get out of the Marines next summer. Go to the University of North Florida or the University of Texas? So what's the big deal, why is it that big of a decision? Well, its complicated... which family to be closer to, accreditation of the program, the housing situation, potential reserve stations, etc etc.

One thing is for sure... my major, construction management. Ya, I figure I should stick to something I'm good at, management and building stuff.

Well, I'm just throwing out the stuff that's rolling around in my head. If this is boring you then change sites.

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Friday, November 12, 2010

Testing New App

Just got the official android Blogger app and this this is the first post.

So its obviously been a couple months, I guess the biggest update in my life is that my son is due next month. So excited to hold him in my arms for the first time.

Oh ya, another new thing is that I am accepted to the University of North Florida. This is one of two colleges I applied to, the other being the University of Texas.

Other college news is that I will be getting my associates in December from Thomas Edison State College. I've been working pretty hard on this and will be very happy to achieve this small but significant education goal.

Till next time. Peace!
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